Luxury Contemporary Interior Design Architecture

Professional interior design and decoration may require some talent but doing it right around your home is a skill that needs to be mastered. Decoration is made of different elements or aspects that influence the looking of a bedroom or a living room. Knowing how to use right decoration elements can make or break your efforts to have a good looking house. Space, budget and style can influence the bedroom. Here are some elements that you need to take into consideration when decorating the room:

interior design for minimalist home

Indoor and outdoor furniture are biggest items to have around your home, as they take a lot of space and greatly influence the look of your decoration. You can group furniture style into contemporary and traditional. Before selecting any option, make a decision in what will be the main style of your house or a particular room. Mixing styles is not a great idea.

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In the interior of modern homes, the selection of furniture is very crucial issue. One option is to get sofas, chairs and tables that is labeled as sleek and clean. You can select sober colors and designs to create feeling of excess space. It could be something bold yet sophisticated.Today, it is common in the modern bedroom to use furniture of angular shapes, so that you can place where ever you like, but try not to place more because in this kind of decoration less is more.



Color influences the decoration results and can have an emotional effect in our life. So, select your paint texture very carefully. Think about the color that matches the most and suits your style. Be mindful of colors and follow the design trends. Each year many designers choose or create trends that influence interior decoration ideas for that season. You can look at them in magazine and see TV shows.


Flooring affects the looks of the room and your budget. The range of materials and styles are available regarding flooring. You can select from rugs, bamboo floors, concrete, hardwood, natural fiber, stone and vinyl.

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Select Colors





If you want to select colors in palette, you need to learn about the color and read a color chart of paint, it is the easy way to select colors for home. You can even combine the colors if you want to paint the walls. For example,

Black-It is the color of night and also known as color of protection. Well, we often see this color in funeral. But at the same time this color looks elegant and best when combined with white palette. Hence you can select it according to your needs and preferences.

Gold or Silver- It is also known as luxurious colors. These colors have always been associated with prosperity, feeling up, owing to the metals that they mirror.

Purple- It symbolizes romantic color. Even if you cannot draw a line, you view life as an artist.

Grey- It is a steady color and subconsciously symbolized respect for elders and wisdom that comes along with it. So, you can paint room with Grey color if your elders live in it.

Green-the color represents nature. Reflecting springtime, this resembles prosperity. Although you may be down at times, but it is very easy to spring back to action. The color is associated with reflection, and if you paint this room with green color, so it has an emotionally and placid effect on the mind of individuals.

Red- Red color represents fire and passion. It brings excitement to all. You can experience up and down simultaneously. It is said if you paint the room in red color, your love life would be great, unless something happens otherwise. But at the same time this color is associated with tension and fear, the psychologists suggests that the color reflects anxiety of getting hurt.

Blue- The color is as serene as sky and sea, it reflects your desire to be at peace with yourself and counterparts. The sky and the sea are empty bodies, reflecting person’s desire to be free.

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White-It is a pure color and you can feel and crave purity. This color in Feng Shui is the most fascinating and renders peace in the room.

Pink- Pink color is the universal color that symbolizes love and it is a perfect feng shui color that adds energy in any given space. The gentle and delicate feng shui vibration has calming effect on one’s behavior. You can have this beautiful color almost anywhere- from your bedroom to laundry room.

Orange- When the feng shui use of color red is intense for your home or office, go for the orange color. Color orange is also called as a social color, as it creates the necessary feng shui energy and promotes lively conversation and good times in your home. Orange color reminds of summertime dreams and warm glow of log fires.

Yellow- The yellow color represents sunlight, cheerful and uplifting yellow rays brightens up home and office. Yellow color creates cozy, welcoming feng shui energy in the kitchen, living room or children’s rooms. From hot sunflower yellow to pale buttery yellow color options- there are several options to select from when you are planning to decorate your home.
Brown-Brown Color has become an eminent Feng Shui choice over the years. It has nourishing Feng Shui energy and this color is associated with all the good things-like dark chocolate, coffee and mahogany wood.
Thus, every color has its own significance in home.

Other than paint, you can select different materials and accessories for interior decoration
Often the word clean, minimalistic deal with the interior decoration of the home and also electronic accessories like stereos, televisions, as they bring in space. On the other hand, the granite floors or linoleum can be another option. If you have any other option, but avoid similar things that can choose to use cover with blankets or rugs.

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For kitchen interior décor example interior modernity goes hand by hand with chrome or stainless steel. The materials can also be used in faucets or pipes of the bathroom.


Lighting Tips

You can select to place high lamps or lighting with dichroic lamps in the ceiling. It will help if you have modern décor in the bedroom with large windows that contains large space. You can even select blinds in order to avoid traditional curtains. You can select the lightning from ambient or general. Lightning is light that illuminates the whole room and it can be thought of as indoor equivalent of natural sunlight outdoors. The majority of a room ambient light usually comes from general purpose ceiling and wall fixtures, but light from other sources like task lightning and windows also contribute to the total interior space.

Sources of ambient light includes flush mounted ceiling lights, ceiling fan lights, chandeliers and torchieres. Additionally, wall sconces and recessed wall lights can also be used for ambient lightning. When planning to use ambient lights keep in mind following points:

Unless the space is small, use more than one source of ambient light to avoid excessive lightning.

Ambient lightning does not necessarily need to be bright. You can use multiple sources, strategically placed to create a warm glow.
Avoid using ceiling mounted fixtures for ambient light. Find out ways on how to combine it with wall lighting, indirect lightning and even you can use multi-directional ambient light. It is not only effective, but is also aesthetically designed and makes the room look more spacious.
You can use this kind of light in spaces with multiple uses, its really a good idea to install dimmers to control the level of ambient light, so that it can be adjusted for several purposes.