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Christmas brings forth a lot of cheer and happiness to our faces, but ladies what do you think is it so? Well, apart from homemade Christmas gifts and do it yourself Christmas appetizers, there are several home made ideas for holiday decorating on the cheap.


Begin by creating advent calendar


Spray old frame with a metallic base to create advent calendar. Create separate tags using online templates. Blend gold, silver and neutral ornaments to tie the calendar together.

Bow wreath is must


Creating Christmas wreath is simple and won’t make hole in your pocket. You can get this look by gluing various bows of different colour to create a Styrofoam wreath. It takes around 20 minutes to create it.

Create an imaginative candy cane vase


All you need to do is to put various items together to craft this creative candy cane vase. Glue the candy canes to the can, and tie it with red ribbon and fill it with poinsettias.

Prepare your own Mistletoe


For this you need creative mind, fabric pencil, embellishments, red ribbon and a hot glue gun. All these accessories will help you prepare this décor. Cut out mistletoe using an online template and arrange pearls according to your own liking. Tie the same with red ribbon and hang on wall.

Go for formal dining table

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Well, you can add formal touch to this event by wrapping bows around your dining room chairs and you can even tie Christmas ornaments for extra appeal.  Secure on the underside if required.

Change the look of wreath

Stack old wreaths and give it a classic touch. Buy three wreaths of different sizes, hang on top of each other and accessorize it ( in case you don’t have the same). The best part is it saves you a lot of money!

Add cute pinecones


Now, you can turn your standard pinecones into a sparkling one. Yes! Just dip your classic pine cones in gold paint (either whole or partially) or use the mixture of wall, glue and glitter to create a sparkling effect. Place it on the side tables or use the same to fill baskets and bowls.

Get baubles


These ornaments are sure to catch visitor’s eye. Buy a clear ornament and add clear floor wax inside, add glitter of your choice, shake it and enjoy!

Think about chalk ornament

These are the best decorative gifts that can be decorated in various ways. Paint on plastic bulbs with chalkboard paint, let it dry, then start drawing your holiday decoration.

Buy/DIY Santa Chairs


These chairs are trendy this season. Moreover, they  are easy to wash, charming, and easy to make. You can check online on how to create Santa chairs. These are great addition to dining room and with these add Santa Claus hats.

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Give a new look to Snowman ornament


Well, we all know paint give new look to even a dreary room. So, why not paint a snowman ornament? All you need to do is to buy all these materials like black, white and orange acrylic paint, a paintbrush, food jar and a ribbon. The experts suggest that you can paint your jar and decorate it with a snowman face. Tie ribbon to hang the ornament. Budget friendly, isn’t it?

Incorporate a hot chocolate jar in your room


Chocolate is hot favorite among several people. So, this season grab a hot chocolate jar and toppings of course the brand you like and start layering. Yes! Keep this chocolate jar in living room or a place most frequented by most people. Add hot water and serve to the guests..worth trying, isn’t it?

Change the look of the pillows


Do you know how to add a new look to your standard pillowcovers? Well, its easy, you can turn the same into presents.  All you need to do is to tie a bow around your throw pillows with a red ribbon and they will just look like Christmas gifts. Add a rhinestone pin to get extra decorative look..simple, yet awesome, isn’t it?

Go for DIY decorative loops


You can perk up the look of festive season by adding decorative loop to your home. All you need is a festive paper chains with strips of wrapping paper-glue the loop together, and then string together with another paper and repeat the whole process once again..isn’t it one-of-a-kind way of decorating?

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Create your own cards


Hand made Christmas cards are matter of the past, now you can easily turn cards into a wall art. Yes! Its easy. Attach a card front to matboard using spray mount, double side tape or rubber cement. Trim it to fit to a single card or cover large piece of matboard with multiple cards and then hang it to doorway or to a tree..astounding, isn’t it?


With Christmas around the corner there are several ways to decorate home. But, all the above-mentioned tips are budget friendly and one-of-a-kind. Starting from Santa chairs to formal chairs, all these decoration tips are simple and easy to implement. So, prop up your feet, apply your creative mind and get a hang of Christmas season..because Santa is arriving with pomp and pleasure…Go for it!

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