Designs for bathrooms1

Well, we all have time to clean up kitchen, living room and bedroom, but how about bathroom? Have you ever wondered on how to clean up the bathroom easily or effortlessly? Well, this article is a guide that will offer you tip on how to clean up the bathroom.

Well, in today’s fast paced life no one has time to clean up the place. Whether you live in a house or apartment or in a college dormitory, here we offer you hints on how to clean the bathroom in seconds. With some quick fixes and few tips to help you along the way, you can now have a clean bathroom without having actually having set aside some time for it. Life is too short to spend up so much time on cleaning. Here’s an easy solution that will free you up from the mess of cleaning and time. It will also help you to organize the things efficiently and will give you time for other things.

Ensure that you have all the necessary supplies before you get started. Having to run up or down the stairs to pick up the supplies will lead to distractions and it will not make the process of bathroom cleanup faster. You should try to invest in the quality cleaning products. Don’t skimp! Go towards some natural cleaning products when you can, so as to avoid any potential fragrance allergies of house guests or overpowering scents. You need the following things:

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• Trash Can Liners
• Microfiber Clothes
• All purpose cleaner
• Disposable Gloves
• Basket
• Wipes
• Glass cleaner or Vinegar
• Toilet Bowl cleaner
• Broom

How to start with clean up process?


Now, that you have all your cleaning tools ready, let’s dive into deep details:

Minute 1
Start by throwing all the dirty clothes into a basket. Don’t focus on unfolding pants, legs or sorting different colour clothes. Prioritize the work by putting all the clothes in a single basket.

Minute 2
Pick up all the trash and either throw it away or put them into the recycling bin.

Minute 3
Get out your disinfectant wipes completely and wipe down the sink and tub area. You may need to spend a bit more on the sink than the tub because it is usually more visible than the other parts. Remember: you are only trying to keep the bathroom presentable. So, don’t overdo it. Remember to wear disposable gloves during the entire process.
Minute 4
Scrub out inside of the toilet. You only need to maintain to the similar level as the last time you scrubbed it.

Minute 5
Wipe down the outside of the toilet. Just run the surface.

Minute 6
Clean the mirror thoroughly with the help of glass cleaner or vinegar. Remember that the guests usually notice mirror that strikes out, so put in effort to this.

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Minute 7
Gather all the items that belong to elsewhere. You can focus on returning these items later, just throw it into a basket.

Minute 8
Put all the items that belong to the bathroom back to the original location- don’t focus on tidying up at this particular time frame, put the items accordingly and move on.

Minute 9
Take a mop or broom on the floor. The ultimate goal is to ensure that it at least minimum sanitation quality standards. Don’t focus on a single crumb, as it will only wear you down and distract you from what you are actually focussing on. Focus on the main area.

Minute 10
Put aside all the cleaning products, just in case guests come. Ensure that you take some time to marvel at the work done. You just cleaned the bathroom in ten minutes.

How to maintain it?

Though the process of maintenance is simple and easy, but you need to repeat it every single time or once in a while to maintain it properly. Maintenance is not at all a tedious task, all you need is a little hard work and efforts. Consider going through these procedure once in a week minimum. Do it twice in a week, if you are more prone to the guests and have lot of messy children in your home.
If you keep up with this stellar process, the bathroom will become easy to clean and it will get organized within 10 minutes, which can be further reduced to five minutes if you continue doing the same.

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Efficiency will also be improved if you keep all the bathroom cleaning supplies at a particular place. Moreover, it will reduce your time in finding out the things. Plus this will ensure cleanliness that your bathroom is seeking for. Scouring the home searching for supplies will waste lot of time, so it is important to keep it at a particular place. Organization of supplies at a specific place will help you in a long run.

In a nutshell, you can clean up the bathroom easily without any extra efforts and without wasting excessive time. So, adhere to above-mentioned steps and clean up your bathroom easily without wasting much time.