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Winters are the time to feel and decorate your home to be cozy and sparkly warm. Following are some ideas which one feels are the suitable to décor home during winters.

Magnolia leaf garland is the best alternative to brighten your mantel and bring some greenery to your place. Keep your magnolia leaves fresh. You can decorate with yarn wreath at the entrance of the door the colorful yarn of the wreath shows the warmness of the place.

Old sweaters used as pillows can add coziness in your room. Using these can make most of the old sweaters useful which you do not want to part. Yarn wrapped pinecones used to light your room during Christmas can be reused as a seasonal centerpiece. Light ice lanterns can to decorate your porch in perfect winter fashion, by illuminating this you can take advantage of cold weather.

You can repaint your home or can put colorful wall paper in your rooms to decorate the home according to seasons requirement. Use some bright colored pillows to change the atmosphere. You can use great mirror which can sparkle your home. Mirror will cast more light in your room.

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One can use trendy mixed metal for your home décor. One can use silver and gold combination or silver and bronze can add warmth to your place. It is a great way to add instant warmth to your home.

There is nothing like winter white in the form of sweater which gives your home an extra coziness and change the atmosphere. You can recycle the old sweaters which are not in use now. Fur can be also be used to keep warmth of the room. It is a great option for adding the appearance of coziness by using fur. Faux fur is always the best option.

Winter flannel double bedsheets can add an extra coziness and warm feeling in bedroom during winters. Dark colors makes a space feel cozy which normally environment for sound sleep. Choose dark and bold colors when your bedroom had abundant amount of natural light to balance out the cozy feeling with lots of energy when you wake up in the morning.

When you spend your maximum time in your room that is your living room where you can relax, try for creamy white colors which soothing and eye relaxing. Bright colors always enlighten your mood to be fresh.

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Always use bold pattern to of your kitchen crockery to brighten the atmosphere. Set up the hot cocoa bar to be used to feel comfort in your room. Make a snowy scene to enjoy pairing with bottle brush trees and strings of lights. Use playful patterns to make the brightness in atmosphere. You can wrap your home with refreshing smell of fresh pine leaves by placing some of its branches in the room.

You can spruce your fireplace by filling crate of logs and pine branches. These are some of the ideas to décor your home during winters. Try them to make your place cozy and comfortable.