Purple Teenage Girl Bedroom Color Bedroom decoration

Girls tend to be creative and artistic in their own way. And when it comes to their room, they are too posessive. Whether she is a teenager or a preadolscent, your princess would like to décor room according to her taste and preferences. Here are some tips on painting girls room.

Pink– Girls are closely associated with pink color, so it is considered as one among the best color for your daughter. The shades can differ but it ultimately zeroes down to a color that is mixed with pink. The color reflects warmth, sensuality and beauty. All these things are closely related to feminism.

girl room color ideas Bedroom decoration

15 Pink Girls Bedroom Designs ideas 15 580x381 Bedroom decoration

Green– Green is the second most preferred choice among the girls. It is serene and cool colors that symbolize the feeling of jealously. Moreover, green color is the best color suited for heart patients. It also lets you to relax your muscles that cause slow and deep breathing.

Teenage girls green bedroom and furniture Bedroom decoration

bedroom decor16 Bedroom decoration

You can accentuate and decorate it with accent furniture pieces of different color to make it look brezy and a cheery retreat. So,you can choose from sea green, Paris green or pale/ grey green color. This color can transform a simple bedroom into a robust and sophsticated bedroom.

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Yellow– Yellow is the color that perks up the mood and brightens the whole room. It adds warmth to the room and is a symbol of sun.

Yellow Bedroom with Butterfly Wall Sticker Bedroom decoration

yellow color girls bedroom sets design ideas image Bedroom decoration

This color is closely related to white, hence it symbolizes peace. It actually stimulates the brain and makes you more judgemental.

Last but not the least; the red color is specifically meant for girls.It adds a splash of chicness and overall it produces a contemporary look.