asian bedroom

The centerpiece of Japanese bedroom should be of course, elegant furniture. The thin mattress is placed on a special tatami that can be fitted on the ground or can be slightly raised. The futon bed can be complemented with some pillows to give cozy and warm atmosphere. Generally, it is advisable to go for low cost furniture. It helps to create a space near your bed and give the possibility to suspend mirrors.


Select furniture with clear lines, darker wood like brown, red, painted black, etc. Lacquered finish offers counterpart to the sleek design.

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For storage purpose, go for bedside tables situated next to the bed. A dresser or cabinet will also be needed.



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When it comes to Japanese lightning, light balls are effective and inexpensive medium to add brightness to Japanese styled bedroom. A couple of lamps or lanterns can help to create a soft glow. You can even add bamboo blinds on the windows to accentuate Asian décor in the bedroom. Flower bouquets with ornamental cherry trees, with LED are some other accessories to brighten up the bedroom.

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A screen can be used to define a corner as a dressing room. It is very decorative. Finally, if you are environment conscious, don’t hesitate to add plants in the bedroom. Bonsai and orchards are particularly suited to give your Japanese bedroom a new touch.

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