bedroom amazing classic bedding set having floral pattern and red theme of the blanket beautiful bedroom designed for inspiring modern bedding ideas

Go for thematic objects

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An over-abundance of objects in the room can create crowded atmosphere in the bedroom, they can also negate spacious, homely feeling. To avoid the feeling of overcrowded atmosphere in the bedroom, focus on accessories which are thematic in style, color and texture. Bear in mind, that relevance is important. The accessories should fit into the bedroom. Setting a theme and having related objects does not mean creating an overcrowded effect where you are displaying the works. Keep it minimal.
Change the colors of bedding

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If you don’t want to bring massive change in the bedroom, then the easiest way to brighten up the bedroom is to change the bedding. Go for colorful pillows/sheets/ duvets. There is a wide variety of choices to select from, starting from pink to green to orange to blue.
Stay focused on three or four colors not more than that. The color should blend with each other. Don’t opt for rainbow effect. Be aware of shades and styles of furniture.

Drape the windows


Curtains play important role in decoration of a bedroom. Once you selected the decor the room and installed trinkets, then you should think about the windows. Whether you are opting for a thinner or colorful curtains, allow the light to pass through or large blinds protecting privacy, ensure that they fit in the given style. Last but not the least; ensure the length of the curtains. They should not sweep the floor or be very short.

Also Read ->  How to transform your bedroom