Windy Rany Day

Though we get relief from scorching sun once the monsoon starts, but there are several other concerns that begin. One among them is how to be prepared or how to avoid potential damages due to rain waters. Below we have mentioned some tips that will protect your home and let you to enjoy rainy season without any worry.



Tips to check

  • First of all, it is important to check the roof for any cracks. If there is a crack, repair it immediately. After repair, apply a coating of waterproofing compound over the roof.
  • Simply, check and ensure that the exterior plaster and wall doesn’t develop any crack, otherwise rain water will enter into the walls thus causing dampness.
  • Clean and clear all the water pipes and gutters to ensure smooth flow of rain water from the roof. Also, clean them once in a week during the rainy seasons
  • Ensure that the home is well ventilated by fresh air because dampness is not good for health.
  • Before the arrival of rainy season, ensure that any electrical fitting and equipment doesn’t come in contact with water due to seepage or dampness or any other reason.
  • The wooden doors normally swell during the monsoon season due to moisture available in the atmosphere. If such thing happen remove the door, tigt the hinges and refix it after varnishing, painting or applying sandpaper, on the part of the door.
  • Paint the grills and iron doors as they go rusted during the rainy season
  • Get pest control done