No one likes monochrome dreary looking home; a little pop of color livens up dull and drab room. However, experimenting with color shades can be bit overwhelming experience. So, from where to begin with? What are the points that you need to consider? If you wish to add pop of color to the home, here are some rules that you need to follow:

Rule of 60-30-10 works

Every beautifully designed home is divided into certain percentage like 60-30-10. So, when decorating a particular room, divide the shades into these three percentages:

60% signify dominant shade

30% signify secondary shade

10% signify an accent color

The 60 percent signify the primary color shade, while 30 percent signify secondary color scheme and offer visual interest and the last 10 percent signify accent shade

Rule 2- use a color wheel

Trying to zero on the right color scheme for a room or for an entire home can be bit difficult. You can ease down the process by selecting a color wheel and this helps down to narrow down the choices. A complementary scheme chooses shades across the color wheel like red and green, blue and yellow, purple and orange. Rooms decorated with complementary color scheme are more visually appealing. An analogous color scheme select colors next to each other from the color wheel like green and yellow, red and orange. Rooms with this kind of color scheme are generally more casual and muted.

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Rule 3-Take inspiration from Mother Nature

Still don’t the rule of matching or what to pair up together or how to create harmonizing color combination? Try designing interior spaces inspired by Mother Nature.

Rule 4- seasonal shades work the best

The accent shade is the best way to make the room look beautiful and it helps to keep monotony at a bay. Seasonal color variations can be added to home décor. Fall colors like mustard tallow, russet and brown create a calm and subdued space. Spring shades on other hand are more uplifting; like pastel shades add a fresh look to a room. You can use them as other acecssories.

Rule 5- add contrast to home space

Incorporate right amount of contrast in home space. An effective color scheme includes: blue and white, mustard accents, and all tried and tested combinations. White and off white are best way to define the spaces. Combining black and gray also creates restful place.