christmasrecycling christmas

Some people buy a Christmas tree that can be used for several years and other buy other buy tree with roots attached. Here are some tips on how to recycle Christmas tree

Make it as a wildlife habitat- Place the tree on the yard and use it as a wildlife habitat for squirrels and birds. You can hang feeders, pinecones with peanut butter that is best suited for the wildlife from the branches. The recycled boughs and branches provide additional support and comfort to the furry friends.

christmas tree recycled bottles christmas

Use Branches

tree recycling christmas

If the climate becomes cold during the winter, cut the branches of wood and use it to protect it from frost and cold. The blanket pine needles will help you to insulate and warm the les hardy plants.

Donate to Conservation Efforts

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Do check with the local conservation groups. Some may collect the Christmas trees and will recycle them into the habitats of fish, beavers or other kind of wildlife. In some cases, you might have to pay fees.

Use it as a Firewood

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You can dry the biggest branches of wood and then utilize it as a fireplace or as a woodtove. If you don’t have any place to burn wood, ask friends or family member or relatives. Majority of them will accept your offer.

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No doubt, your christmas tree is a majestic decoration piece during the holiday season. But make the best attempt to make sure it remains useful even after the holidays. Recycle it, it is in your best interest.