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There are so many different ways to add wallpaper in the bedroom. Starting from stripes to staid prints, there are enough of designs available in the market. These wallpaper designs add striking look to the room and can be called as a winning ingredient.


What prints look best in the bedroom?


Big and bold patterns, flocked prints, colored stripes create a lasting effect in the bedroom. Another way to add a classic design to the bedroom is to think outside the box and choose wallpaper furniture. It will definitely give a new spin to the room. Don’t shy away from adding bold wallpaper in a small room. A cleverly designed print opens the small space and stripes do make a difference to your small bedroom and give false illusion of height and width. Try playing with the visuals and hang stripes in different directions to create a unique conversation pint.

Add an accent wall

glam wallpaper in bedroom

Another way to incorporate wallpaper in the bedroom is through a feature wall. In this way, you can add prints and patterns to the bedroom easily. Add wallpaper behind the bed to get that chic hotel look or frame your bed with few stripes of wallpaper to attain that modern look. You can create a statement by using wallpaper. Papering the ceiling will create a focal point as well as papered furniture. Transform a simple plain table and chairs into something special with patterned and brightly colored wallpaper or line up your shelves with flocked wallpaper to make the most out of simple storage solution.