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Undisputedly, turquoise is the royal color that lives upto its name. But there is always a little chance of overdoing it. However, there are certain bold persons who can’t resist this wonderful color. At times the results are amazing, but sometimes the results are kitschy.

turquoise living room rooms

turquoise rooms


Hence, it is necessary to take the help of some specialist.

Remember, there is a lot of turquoise hues and colors. The right option is to choose a color that doesn’t cause fatigue to the eyes. Opt for flashy turquoise only for accessories or details, not on the walls. The pale turquoise has a similar effect as the pale blue color. It provides calming and soothing effect.

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If you don’t want to be daring or simply want to opt for conventional wall paint, then go for it. Add turquoise with the furniture. Be vigilant not every hue or color matches with the turqouise. Pale turqouise go well with brown, yellow, white and cream.

white turquoise living room rooms

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Turquoise collage rooms


Aside from that, turquoise is the color that has therapeutic value. It gives room a notion of Oriental Décor. Reinvent the room with traditional Indian and Chinese accessories. Add rugs, paintings, statuettes that look best with the theme.