Coral Colors Kitchen Interior Design4 coral in kitchen

Coral is spunky, bright and feminine color. It is superstylish and puts your kitchen on the fast track. Here are some tips and tricks on how to use corals in the kitchen.

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1961 hotpoint pink and dark coral kitchen coral in kitchen

oragne coral chandelier in kitchen decor8 coral in kitchen

Complement it with woods

kitchen orange coral in kitchen

The bright coral colors are able to counter the shades of brown, hence pair up with woods cabinet. The orange hue supplements works well with the wood surface and it makes the design pop.

Complement it with white

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If you want to add sopshticated look to the room complement it with shades of white and taupe. It lowers down the contrasting brown color and it gives a chiruppy look to the room. If you open the windows for natural light, the whole space looks playful and high in spirits.

Blend it with other fun colors

coral kitchen coral in kitchen

Coral blend well with a variety of color like blue and green. Add aqua to make the room look vivacious. Use stainless steel appliances to balance the color of the room.

Accentuate with coral

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Instead, of using coral as the main paint on the wall, use coral knobs, towels or chairs. It will not make the kitchen overwhelming with the shades of orange or pink.

Also Read ->  How to Add Personality to Your Kitchen?

Deeper Shades

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If you want to add masculine touch to the room pair up with deeper shades of coral like add more red to it. It compliments well but at the same time it doesn’t look so feminine.

Modernize the Kitchen

Coral Colors Kitchen Interior Design2 coral in kitchen

The best thing about coral is its crusty and it doesn’t take away the minimilstic look of the kitchen.