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If you are a kind of person who loves to throw party or  want to hone the art of cocktail making, then mini bar is ideal for you. But the question arises how to make mini bar in home? Most of the people think that it needs a large space.  But home mini bars come in varied designs, styles and price ranges. Before setting a mini bar one need to consider below mentioned things

First and foremost thing, it should have a counter top where you will prepare the drinks. Ensure that the counter top is built of water resistant or anti spill material.

Secondly, the storage space should be adequate. Stemware Racks are the best option.

Always complement mini bar with a fridge to store the drinks and wine. You can even opt for a wet bar, but the catch is that it requires more space.

Don’t forget to sport a mini bar with bar stools. It is the right place to celebrate those exquistie moments.

With your mini bar, you can enjoy the drinks at your own home minus the crowd.  It is an ideal place to start the conversation and business deals. The mini bars can also be used as a coffee table.

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Here we have showcased 10 minibar designs that are both beautiful and exhiliarting.

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