Loft bed bunk mezzanine bedroom beds

With space being of constant concern in many of our compact homes, or in open plan residences where everything is on show all of the time, may be it’s time to think vertical.

Beds are one of the largest pieces of furniture we’re ever likely to own, they take up a huge amount of floor area but they are not something we can do without, and with many modern families fragmenting across the country–or even the globe– with evolving career choices, the availability of sleeping quarters for visiting family members has gathered utmost importance. With all of this in mind, some clever designers have taken beds skyward, revealing extra living space, or creating huge invaluable storage areas… and let’s face it, everyone wanted the top bunk as a kid!

Superhero themed boys room beds Mezzanine bed structure beds Under bed storage cabin bed beds Mezznine level cabin bed beds Lodt bed white purple bedroom beds 7 beds 8 beds 9 bedsContemporary white foldaway beds beds Loft bed bunk mezzanine bedroom beds gray yellow white bedroom suspended beds beds Cubby hole bunks beds Built in bunk beds beds blue white bedroom bunks beds