Contemporary Girls Bedroom with White Bedroom Vanity

Now, your child is aged 11 and is soon going to be a teenager. While they may pretend, yet they do want to indulge in make believe, but the room has to be sturdy in construction and frankly speaking it should look mesmerizing.


Golden Rules for Teen Bedroom

Here we have presented some tips on how to décor teens bedroom.

Plan Ahead


It is important to plan at least three years in advance-it is hard to imagine now, but within couple of years that little devil will be inviting his/her mates to listen to the music or to music or may be for movies. So, it is crucial that you need to plan ahead or be ahead of times.

Storage, Storage and Storage


You cannot have too much storage options in a teenagers room- even teenager likes to gather lot of stuff at an alarming speed, plus they have large folders and books that you need to accommodate.

Let them discuss their preferences and show off their tastes


At some point of time they may have wanted fairies on the walls, now they want all black. So, don’t get frustrated let them have their say because it’s their bedroom. Their bedroom should be retreat where they can express themselves and it should be reflection of their choice. Let them feel that it is their home as well. So, in case they like a particular theme, go for it. Paint the room in pink, red and blue colours and match it with accessories. You’ll get the same from thrift stores.

Be Realistic and practical


Try to keep things flexible- whether it is study, bedroom or a hangout. If you have a large space for everything, try to rework on it and design a teens bedroom that looks really nice. Like, one can replace the bed with a bunk bed or a sofabed or opt for a raised bed along with a desk beneath it. The options are limitless. All you need is to find a good source of inspiration and be realistic in your approach.

Sound Proof

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Try to make kids bedroom sound proof. Well, it may sound a little bit flimsy, but it will reduce the noise level of the house. For this you can keep a thick carpet instead of floorboards. It will work both ways- like they will get enough place to study and you can hear music too.

Add chill out to a space


Its sad but this true that your child life is important and vibrant than you, so try to add a chillout space to the room where they hang and chat around with their friends or even play football or with their puzzle games. Try to make it future proof by selecting something you would like to have elsewhere in the home.

Make the most out of limited space

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If the space is limited try to invest in a cabin bed along with the desk area underneath it. You can even buy all in one units from the furniture shops or get a joiner to build one in order to get customized storage ready for you.

Add an extra bathroom


You may have noticed sometimes that the bathroom is occupied for a longer time period, so consider squeezing the time. If you have two adjacent kids room there is a possibility of creating a bathroom that is easy to share.

Add lights to the teens bedroom


Don’t forget to add a proper lighting to their bedroom.  Your child will require a bedside lamp and task lightning around the desk and fairy lights are easy way to add illumination in that cozy atmosphere. Overloaded extension cables are a risk, so go to an electrician to install new sockets when required.

Sort out the electronics


After some time they may require a PC, games console, TV, phone in their room. If you are having work dome in the room, get the phone points or necessary sockets and aerial connection and put it now for now and you can buy them electronics later.

Incorporate Additional Seating


At this point of time, kids may actually like to sit on a chair rather than scrawl on the floor or hang their knees all the time. Hence, for additional space you can go for bean bags and oversize floor cushions, as it is a good choice. They can be slung in cupboard under a bed if you need an extra space to recover it.

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Try to add quiet space to the room


Homework tends to be tedious and hence your kids could become cranky, so it is important to find a space for a desk. In the smaller rooms, you could add a drop-leaf table to the wall, which can fold when not required along with a folding chair.

Divide the room


The children may have shared their room wonderfully when they were in their childhood, but now they have become enemies, as they have grown up. If sharing causes conflict, try to zone the rooms and introduce distinct areas. A stylish screen offers privacy or you can opt for bookcase kind of style room divider.

The next question arises how to decorate a teen bedroom


When it comes to decorating room for a new look,  your older child is less likely to go for a pillow case. Fortunately, you can go for a wide range of sophisticated decorating schemes, so there’s color all around it and the color scheme can be between black and white.

Inspire the kids


By decorating kids bedroom in a right way, you can inspire the kids. You can push them gently to a direction where they otherwise won’t accept to go. If you are thinking about wallpaper, go for it.The markets are decked with innumerable designs that are not boring and are nor childish.

Add personal touch to their room


Once you have got kids friendly sophisticated bedroom, your young one may feel need to personalize it according to their preferences. In order to let their creative juice flow, one can stick to the oversized sheets of the paper on the wall and let them express themselves creatively and artistically- lining paper comes at affordable rates and they are disposable too. Or one can buy plain canvasses from an art shop and paint it. It will help them to produce their own masterpiece. Or you can get a very large picture frame and let them fill the same with notes, photos, memorabilia and doodle for a cool montage look that they can take down as and when they want.

Also Read ->  Teen Girl Bedroom Ideas

Incorporate a noticeboard


As they juggle with the calendars, it becomes important to incorporate a noticeboard in their room for all invitations. It is really a good idea. All you need to do is to pick blackboard paint or use magnetic blackboard for a chalk board that is able to hold notes as well.

Add Versatile storage options in the room


Try to make shelving as adjustable as possible- add cute little bookcases that remains piled up with textbooks. Allow DVDs, books, knick knacks, photos and arrange it in a proper way.

Try to make things accessible


If kids are unable to reach to it, there is no need to incorporate into it. Hence, make sure that storage is accessible to the child.

Buy Multipurpose furniture


When the space is not optimal, go for multi purpose furniture. Go for bench or a window seat with lift up seats along with inside storage or high bed with drawers at the base.

Properly use the walls


Use the wall space optimally. A row of hooks act as an overflow to the wardrobe, so add colourful laundry bags to their room. It is the best way to tidy up their room.

Use the wasted space optimally


Underbed storage is brilliant way of storing items. So, it is better to go for low boxes on the wheel that will adapt from toy storage to clothes storage.

The back of the door is also good way to store the items. Visit Ikea or store and opt for some smart options.

Label the box

Boxes with labels

If you have a large variety of boxes to stash your stuff, you may not remember where things are kept. So, label the stuff carefully.

Line up the boxes


Stacked boxes can be a pain, so it is better to line up the boxes and avoid piles.  Line up boxes on the shelves or on modular units.